How to Choose the Right Elevated Dog Bed

How to Choose the Right Elevated Dog Bed

Elevated dog beds, also known as raised dog beds, are a popular choice among pet owners for their comfort, durability, and health benefits. These beds offer a range of features and options, making it important to know how to choose the right one for your furry companion. In this article, we will guide you through the essential factors to consider when selecting the perfect elevated dog bed.

Size and Weight Capacity

Start by determining the appropriate size of the elevated dog bed for your pet. Measure your dog from nose to tail while they are lying down to ensure they have enough space to stretch comfortably. Pay attention to the weight capacity as well, as the bed should safely support your dog's weight. Most elevated dog beds come in various sizes to accommodate different breeds and sizes of dogs.

Frame Material

Elevated dog beds are typically made with frames constructed from materials such as metal, aluminum, or durable plastic. Consider the frame material's strength and durability, especially if you have a larger or more active dog. Metal frames are generally sturdier and better suited for heavy or energetic breeds.

Sleeping Surface Material

The sleeping surface material of the elevated dog bed is crucial for your pet's comfort. Common options include fabric, mesh, or vinyl. Choose a material that is easy to clean, durable, and comfortable for your dog. Mesh surfaces provide excellent airflow and cooling benefits, making them ideal for hot weather, while fabric surfaces offer a softer and more cushioned feel.


Ensure that the elevated dog bed is built to last. Look for features like reinforced stitching and heavy-duty materials that can withstand regular use and potential scratching or chewing. A bed with a warranty or positive customer reviews regarding durability is a good indicator of quality.

Assembly and Portability

Consider how easy it is to assemble and disassemble the elevated dog bed, especially if you plan to use it in various locations. Some models feature tool-free assembly, which can be convenient for travel or outdoor use. Portability is essential if you want to take the bed on camping trips, to the beach, or anywhere else you go with your dog.

Indoor or Outdoor Use

Determine where you intend to use the elevated dog bed. Some models are designed for indoor use only, while others are suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments. Outdoor-friendly beds often have rust-resistant frames and weather-resistant materials to withstand the elements.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Consider the ease of cleaning and maintaining the bed. Look for removable, machine-washable covers or surfaces that can be wiped clean. Beds with simple cleaning requirements will help keep your pet's sleeping area fresh and hygienic.

Health Considerations

If your dog has specific health concerns, such as joint issues or allergies, consult with your veterinarian to choose an elevated dog bed that addresses these needs. Orthopedic or memory foam options are available for dogs with joint problems, while hypoallergenic materials can help with allergy management.


Set a budget for your elevated dog bed purchase. Prices can vary significantly depending on brand, features, and materials. While it's important to find a quality bed, there are options available at various price points to suit your budget.


Selecting the right elevated dog bed involves assessing your dog's needs, considering the bed's features, and staying within your budget. A well-chosen elevated dog bed can provide your pet with a comfortable and hygienic sleeping space, ensuring their well-being and enhancing their overall quality of life.